Setting to auto add converted items to iTunes library

Issue #429 resolved
Brian Tully created an issue

Is there any way of automatically adding an item (Movie/TV show) to the iTunes library after Subler finishes converting it? That would be a killer feature.

As it is now, I need to manually copy the item over to iTunes window after it finishes converting, even though my output path is set to the iTunes movies folder.

Comments (3)

  1. Michael Stephenson

    If you set the output folder to be the "Automatically Add to iTunes" folder in the "iTunes Media" folder it should do the trick. iTunes monitors this folder and will copy any files dumped here to the appropriate place.

  2. Hareti

    While you would think so it doesn't work with most files due to the slow save time.

    iTunes scans that folder quite frequently and doesn't check whether files within it are still in use. If the file is still in use - for example its only half way through the save - iTunes moves it to a subfolder as an error. That then results in an error in Subler - I'm trying to remember the exact text but its something like "you do not have permissions for this folder" as the file has been moved in the middle of the operation.

    Almost every other encoding programme I have used on OSX has exactly the same problem. Arguably its the fault of Apple and their poor use case for the import not of Subler.

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