TAB-button to switch between track names

Issue #430 closed
Stefan Hubbauer created an issue

Don't know if this is a bug or an intended behaviour: In version 1.4.8 it's not possible to switch between track names using the TAB-button.

I know this was working before and I used it on a regular basis to automate the renaming of tracks with the app Typinator.

It would be nice if you could integrate this again. Thank you!

Comments (3)

  1. Damiano Galassi repo owner

    Was it? I tried version 1.0 and it tab doesn't switch between track names. You can press enter and user the arrow keys to move to the next row.

  2. Stefan Hubbauer reporter

    Yes, it was working that way. Had that running for a month or so until I installed 1.4.8. But when I tried to install an older version a couple of days ago it didn't work. Strange ...

    But thank you for the tip with enter and the arrow keys: I adapted the script and it works great!

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