DTS 6ch: AAC + Passhthru no longer creates AAC 6ch

Issue #434 resolved
Ryan Becker created an issue

I have Subler set to downmix audio to "multi-channel". I also set it to convert DTS to AAC as well as keep the DTS track.

When I open an MKV, I have the option for "AAC + Passthru"

But, now the AAC file that is created is always 2ch. In previous versions these settings successfully created a 6ch AAC audio track.

Mac OS 10.13.4 Beta Subler 1.4.9

Comments (4)

  1. Ryan Becker reporter

    Looks like the last version of Subler I was using was 1.4.1

    And, I just tried this same file in that version, and it worked as expected (the AAC was converted to 6ch).

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