Forced Optimization

Issue #450 resolved
Bret Rohloff created an issue

The last couple of builds, Subler forces file optimization whether the box is ticked or not. My files are optimized when encoded. Could you please look into this?

Comments (7)

  1. Bret Rohloff reporter

    Every version after 1.4.8. First make sure that optimize is unticked in the queue. Now add a title, pull the metadata, click start. The bottom line of the queue says "optimizing" even though the box isn't ticked and it takes longer than the 1.4.8 version so it must be doing something.

  2. Damiano Galassi repo owner

    Found the issue. A workaround is to just save the file (if you don't need the queue it's easier to just go to File -> Save or cmd-s). Or open a save as window and disable the "optimize" check.

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