Chapter track - How to change text to Tx3g Format

Issue #46 invalid
Filipe Mello created an issue


Im trying to change my chapter track to tx3g format. Actually its text format. How can I do this? Thank you!

Comments (12)

  1. Filipe Mello reporter

    I`m trying to solve a problem with chapter markers in m4v files. I do the editing process with Final Cut Pro X and the encoding with Compressor 4.1.3, but after the compression, sometimes the chapter markers come corrupted, with the names, or thumbnail. Last week a friend told me to try uncheck the multi pass option and export again from Compressor. Originally, the text track is .tx3g, but after processing in Subler, become text format...

    I don't no, but sometimes we have incompatibility with Internet Explorer (I know, is a trash...) but some users like IE when access our site for watching videos...

  2. David

    I love Subler... thank-you very much for all your hard work!

    I've just bought an Apple TV 4. It seems chapters will not appear in the movie menu (swipe down) unless they are in the tx3g format.


    Screen Shot 2015-10-30 at 12.35.49 PM.png

    Is it possible to add this feature?

  3. David


    I discovered that movies which don't display chapters have an "unknown" language. Choose a language and they reappear.

  4. Damiano Galassi repo owner

    Subler doesn't modify the chapters if you are only editing the file metadata (or other tracks). Anyway, the difference between tx3g and text tracks is primarily only in the name. The format is almost the same.

  5. Victor Lososev

    Thanks for information and thanks for your nice software. My movie is qt forma and i wont rewrap it to m4v.Also movie have timecode track and subler dont keep it. Anyway thanks.

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