Chapter Preview Images & HDR Movies

Issue #464 closed
David VH created an issue

Subler Version 1.5.1 macOS 10.13.6

Thank you for Subler! I find it indispensable when creating movie files to play in iTunes and on an Apple TV 4K.

I'm just beginning to dabble in HDR content.

When using QuickLook to preview some HDR movies, the content looks normal. On other movies, QuickLook displays a washed out picture. Why, I don't know.

Regardless of which HDR movie I use, Subler creates washed out chapter preview images.

May this be addressed in a future Subler release?

As a postscript, it would be nice, too, to be able to tag a movie as 2160p and HDR.

As a second postscript, the mp4 movies are simply movie metadata which can be opened in Subler.

Comments (4)

  1. Damiano Galassi repo owner

    That's a bug in Apple's system frameworks, if a video is 10bit colors are wonky. I think it has been fixed in Mojave. There isn't a iTunes tag for 2160p and HDR.

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