Vobsub Not OCRed to SRT

Issue #474 closed
Jon Marathon created an issue

Please describe the problem or feature request in detail:

Vobsubs are not OCRed to SRT when saving or exporting

What are the steps to reproduce this problem:

Method 1 1. Open mp4 file containing vobsub track 2. Save as with a new file name 3. The vobsub is not OCRed to SRT

Method 2 1. Open mp4 file containing vobsub track 2. Select a vobsub track and export it 3. The srt file is empty

What version of Subler you are running: 1.5.3

What operating system version you running: macOS 10.13.6

Was there any error message or error dialog: No

Additional information: The folder ~/Library/Application Support/Subler/tessdata/ is empty. I don't know if it needs anything for English subtitles. I checked the Contents of Subler.app but do not see the Tesseract engine.

Comments (2)

  1. Damiano Galassi repo owner

    Conversions are made only when you import a file. Create a new document (File -> New), press the plus icon on the toolbar, or drag your file on the window, or File -> Import -> File…) and select "tx3g" in the action column for the vobsub track.

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