Only keep surround AC3?

Issue #478 new
Stephen Reay created an issue

It would be nice if there was an option to only retain the AC3 track (or converted DTS track) from source material when it contains more than two channels.

Ending up with a file that has AAC and AC3 encoded versions of the same two channel audio isn't particularly useful.

Thanks for all you do!

Comments (11)

  1. Brian Tully

    I'm not sure if this is related, but I notice that whenever I load media that has surround audio into Subler, by default Subler will check the AAC, 2ch and uncheck the AC3, 6ch each time. Is there a way to configure Subler to automatically check/enable the 6ch audio by default? Seems weird that I have to manually reverse this for every file I import, and sometimes I forget and then get disappointed that I only have stereo audio and not surround. Is there a global configuration where we can prefer surround to stereo? The "Convert" preferences aren't obvious if this is possible.

  2. Brian Tully

    In the new Untitled window, when dragging a file into the window, after the "select tracks" modal appears and the video and sound tracks get added, the AAC 2ch is always enabled (checked) by default, and the AC3 6h is disabled (unchecked) by default. I have to manually uncheck (disable) the AAC 2ch and manually check (enable) the AC3 6ch every time. Is there a way to set a default preference for surround sound track vs stereo?

  3. Damiano Galassi repo owner

    That's how it should be. The tracks are both in the same alternate group, and the AAC track is set to be the fallback of the AC3 track. This means Apple devices will automatically pick the right track at playback time.

  4. Brian Tully

    So I don't need to check/enable the AC3 6ch sound track in order for it to be included? I assumed that if the AC3 6ch track is unchecked it means it won't be included.

  5. Damiano Galassi repo owner

    The "check" has no meaning if the tracks are in the same alternate group. If they are not, f or example if you enable both, and set the alternate group to none, both track would be played simultaneously.

  6. Brian Tully

    Sorry, I'm confused. Are you saying that Apple devices (i.e., AppleTV) can't playback surround AC3 6ch? It's been working for me. I just have to manually disable the 2ch and manually enable the 6ch every time within Subler. Just wish there was a preference to set it once and for it to remember the setting.

  7. Damiano Galassi repo owner

    Yes they can. And it will automatically select the AC3 track when needed. If it doesn't, check the audio settings of your AppleTV.

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