Tx3g character encoding incorrect

Issue #481 invalid
great andy created an issue

When importing subtitles from mkv, umlauts are not encoded correctly, e.g:

Schauplätze sind jedoch aus dramaturgischen Gründen fiktiv.

The correct encoding should be:

Schauplätze sind jedoch aus dramaturgischen Gründen fiktiv.

OSX 10.14 Subler 1.5.4

Comments (2)

  1. Damiano Galassi repo owner

    Please send me the mkv file or the mkv file with only the subtitles track. Subtitles tracks in mkv should be utf-8, so there ins't any text encoding conversion.

  2. great andy reporter

    I had a look to the source mkv tracks, they already contain the invalid characters, so everything works perfect in Subler. Sorry for that, keep on the good work! Best regards, Andy

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