Get chapter track not activated.

Issue #510 closed
Sigi Krieger created an issue

I try with an mp4 video to install five chapters. That works too. I then activate the tick on "chapter track" and save the whole thing as a mp4 file. However, with the newly created file the check mark on "chapter track" is gone and a new metadata with the name "video track" and the format "jpeg" has been created. There too, the hook is missing. How can I activate "chapter track" and what is the line "video track" with the format "jpeg"? If I do not need it, how do I get it deleted?

Sorry that I post here with issues, but I can not find an area where I can adjust my question otherwise.

Comments (6)

  1. Damiano Galassi repo owner

    The tick is for track that will be played in the movie. You don't want your chapters name to be shown always on the video… the jpeg track is a track containing the preview image for each chapter, it's used by iTunes/QuickTime and other Apple devices. If you don't want it, disable it in the preferences.

  2. Sigi Krieger reporter

    Sorry, but it does not work on Apple TV 3. When I start the movie the message "There was an error loading this content" appears. Apple TV 4 starts the movie, but no chapter will be displayed. It should of course work on both Apple TV 3 and Apple TV 4. Everything is great with QuickTime Player.

  3. Damiano Galassi repo owner

    It works on my AppleTV 2 and AppleTV 4k… maybe the issue is somewhere else. Post the output of mediainfo or a screenshot of the file document window form Subler.

  4. Sigi Krieger reporter

    Here the screenshot before I save the file with the chapters:

    Bildschirmfoto 2019-03-19 um 09.27.18.png

    and here are the screenshot after the save of the file with the chapters:

    Bildschirmfoto 2019-03-19 um 09.27.44.png

  5. Sigi Krieger reporter

    maybe it would be better to have a little tutorial on how to build chapter into a movie and how to save the changes.

  6. Sigi Krieger reporter

    I tried a lot and researched the internet. At least with Apple TV 4, I have found a possible solution, but do not get it implemented. The chapters do not have to be saved in txt format, but in tx3g format. Supposedly, the subler can do that. Look at the picture:

    638243040.jpg 638244040.png

    If I look at my sublerally edited film, the format of the chapter txt is. Look at the picture.

    Bildschirmfoto 2019-03-21 um 08.16.30.png

    How can I change the format?

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