SublerCLI v.0.26 Unable to downmix audio

Issue #53 closed
Former user created an issue

I submitted this on the site for Subler, but I cannot tell if you are still active on that one now that I found this Issue list as well, so I apologize in advance for the duplicate posting.

I am attempting to use SublerCLI v.26 to convert MKV files to mp4 (or m4v) files to play in iTunes, on iPads and an AppleTV 3. When converting the files in the GUI app v.31, the files convert without issue with both AC3+AAC tracks. When converting with SublerCLI, it converts successfully without using the downmix argument. This yields a file that will not play in iTunes, but will play on the ATV3. When attempting to use the downmix argument, e.g.

./SublerCLI -source file.mkv -downmix stereo -dest newfile.m4v

The resulting newfile.m4v is only 1KB, and the process completes immediately. I attempted to convert the mkv to m4v without the downmix argument first, then convert the m4v to m4v using downmix, and received the same 1KB result. I attempted variations using mp4 as well as m4v with no success.

I attempted to install Perian, no change. I also manually copied the a52codec from the Subler v31 contents to ~/Library/Audio/Plugins/Components as directed here:, no change.

At this point, I am not sure if this is a bug in SublerCLI v.26, or an operational error, but I am guessing it may be something I am doing. I searched everywhere I could and could not come up with a solution, so I am asking here. My preference is to use SublerCLI as I can automate the conversion with Hazel, making my entire process completely autonomous.

I am running Yosemite 10.10.2. SublerCLI v.26 Subler v.31

Thanks for you help and all the time and effort you have put into this awesome tool.

Comments (2)

  1. Austin Henderson

    You can cancel this request as I was able to work around the issue using the GUI version now, since you added the shortcut for "Open in Queue." I am the original poster, however I had not yet created an account when I submitted this ticket, so I cannot do anything else with the ticket.

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