Metadata to be recognised by Finder too

Issue #552 invalid
Christophe Ayer created an issue

Hi, macOS Mojave improved the Finder with a new gallery view allowing us to have metadatas of photos and videos being displayed directly in the Finder.

I always used Subler to get metadatas for my videos. And as far as I can see, neither Mojave and Catalina can read the infos I insert in the movie files with Subler.

According to the options in Finder, I should be able to see/search actors, directors, comments, name, screenwriters (and tons of others tags that you can turn off/on in the Finder view menu).

I never succeded.

I tried to make my files m4v and “names and copyright” did appear time to time but not actors and the other interesting infos etc….

I know Subler is made for working with iTunes and TV app … But I was wondering why Finder can’t read these metadatas when we are supposed to see (and search) them directly in Finder now since Mojave, without having iTunes on.

Comments (2)

  1. Christophe Ayer reporter

    Yep and they never answered to this question. “Why Subler metadata is only recognized in iTunes and not Finder when Mojave and Catalina Finder is supposed to do so”.

    I did report this 10x already. But Apple is Apple and sometimes they answer your bug report 5 years later.

    I was wondering if they use another sort of tags. Kinda like in music tags. There’s different ID3’s … So maybe there are different tags too for videos. And Finder and iTunes don’t use the same.

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