Edit Soundtrack tile

Issue #56 resolved
ariel reyes created an issue

When adding an audio track to an mp4 already opened in subler, a new window opens, as expected. In this window, on the right side, there is a column called "info". This seems to be the data that the video app uses in iOS and iTunes when it tells you which type of track it is. AAC or AC-3. Is it possible to make this tag editable so that we can change it to say, for example "Commentary"? As it stands, right now, itunes'll show you the language, and in a parenthesis this tag. "English (AAC)". Is this a way to edit that tag? I realize Apple hasn't made it easy with its changing software all the time, but I was hoping we could find a solution to this, since this was possible before. If it is not from that tag, where does iTunes pull that info from, the info in the parenthesis? Any thoughts?

Comments (3)

  1. Damiano Galassi repo owner

    You can already edit the title by double clicking on it. But lately Apple softwares ignore it.

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