Importing metadata from TheTVDB failing - no results returned

Issue #564 closed
Harvey Greenfield created an issue

When using the 'Import > Search metadata online…” function for a TV show, via TheTVDB, no results are returned.

TheTVDB recently required all users to change their credentials (including, I found, API user keys). Is it possible Subler’s API user key is out of date?

Using latest version (1.5.22) on macOS 10.12.6.

Comments (8)

  1. Ahmed

    I have the same problem with all versions above 1.3

    I was working with 1.3 till it started crashing on me yesterday

  2. Scott Sharritt

    Not sure this has been noted already but what I’m seeing is instead of the files reading as ‘en.xml' they are now ‘'. TheTVDB developers aren’t being too responsive right now but they are working on API issues. I don’t know if you should just wait out the inevitable rollback again for TheTVDB or apply a fix for the xml. Right now using them is useless. I’m pointing to TheMovieDB instead for info which works on everything but reality TV. My to be tagged folder is getting full!

  3. Scott Sharritt

    It started working for me a few hours ago finally. Not seeing much on TheTVDB forums about a fix though so maybe the new site finally just started allowing scraping to work since most, including Subler, weren’t for 48 hours.

  4. W R

    Confirmed 1.5.22 is now working for me again, I suspect there was a rollback at TheTVDB to accept at least the requirements Subler supports.

    I still think it’s worth adding support to explicitly request and handle compressed archives, if this is in fact a missing feature.

  5. Damiano Galassi repo owner

    Subler uses the v2 api so there isn’t any xml involved. I’ll try to see if v3 has got any useful addition.

  6. Colin Law

    I know this is marked closed, but TheTVDB search fails with all versions I try today. TheMovieDB works, but TheTVDB immediately craps out.

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