Images from iTV not presenting properly

Issue #571 on hold
Adam created an issue

The images from iTV pull the first image, but when I download a show it can differentiate the different types of images. Is there a way to determine the way iTV/TV app sorts these image tags so we can begin tagging the images we download?

It pulls the Square and Banner for different areas of the menus, and has a 16x9 for episode images as well as season specific images. I’ve tried downloading them in different orders to see if it’s a sequence issue in the metadata but it seems there may be some tag attached to the images for the apps to pull the right one and defaults to the first image when they aren’t there, but I can’t confirm this.

Comments (10)

  1. Damiano Galassi repo owner

    I think iTunes Store files will get the right artwork directly from iTunes Server. If you send me one of those files I can check what's going on.

  2. Lorenzo

    Same problem to me, there are three different type of image (banner square and episode) but it can show only the first one.

  3. Damiano Galassi repo owner

    Unfortunately I found no way to make it use the right artwork depending on the AppleTV or TV app.

    If you have a working file or some new idea to try please reopen this issue.

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