HELP! How to...

Issue #594 closed
Cathy Covone created an issue

Thank you for your work, I think is an amazing work you have done.

I have been trying to update my library because I figure that iTV vs the movies in Apple TV have a different horizontal or vertical movie cover, now the genre list is enormous and they are thousand of them. I also have a lot of files that are not the correct movie cover or correct name and I can’t go back. I just to have a version a year ago that was working perfectly but with all the apple updates I guess some stuff changes or I don't know if the settings I have I did something wrong. I also have movies that are going to TV Shows or Home Videos that aren't supposed to be there.

I like the way my library was organized and now it is a big mess 😞 . Thank you for your help

Comments (4)

  1. Damiano Galassi repo owner

    You should at least explain what you did exactly. Because we aren’t magicians here.

  2. Cathy Covone reporter

    Is not that I don’t want to is that I don’t know how to it or what part do you need me to explain… I will try….

    I add some files to a queue and I started to run, the software automatically replace the name on the file and change the movie cover. After that process was done my movies ended up with the incorrect name, no cover or 3 genres.

  3. Damiano Galassi repo owner

    Adding files to the queue like that was quite reckless. An automated process won’t be always right, and you probably set it to get the data from TheMovieDB that uses multiple genres for each movie.

    The only way is to manually open each file and fix it.

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