org.galad.Subler SBIgnoreDonationAlert setting is ignored

Issue #600 resolved
Jolly Roger created an issue

The org.galad.Subler SBIgnoreDonationAlert setting is being ignored in version 1.6.5 (and a few versions prior to that).

# defaults read org.galad.Subler SBIgnoreDonationAlert

Even though the property is set to YES, I still see the Support Subler dialog box appear, typically during app launch after a macOS restart. 

  • macOS 10.15.x
  • Subler 1.6.5 (and a couple previous versions)

Comments (4)

  1. Damiano Galassi repo owner

    I might have broken it when I reworked how the preferences get stored. I’ll check,

  2. Damiano Galassi repo owner

    defaults write org.galad.Subler SBIgnoreDonationAlert -bool yes

    It has to be set to a bool type.

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