Apple artwork vs Subler artwork

Issue #609 closed
Warren Young created an issue

There is some difference in the way the new Apple stores images in a file vs. the way Subler does it.

The motivating use case here is to add 16:9 images to the files that already have “DVD box art” aspect ratio graphics.

If I find or make an approrpriate 16:9 image and add it to the file with Subler, making sure the new image is ordered first in the file so prefers it, then do Get Info in to select the new artwork to override the dreadful streak-stretched DVD cover art it makes by default, the artwork in doesn’t actually change. It keeps using the streaky DVD art.

However, if I extract the artwork from the MP4 file to separate images, remove the images from the file, then do Get Info in and reapply the images there, the artwork is correct in the grid view.

Doubtless Apple’s code is being overly sensitive about something here. The feature request is to discover what it is that Apple cares about and produce the metadata in a way it will do the right thing with.

Comments (2)

  1. Steven Mancera

    I think this is more of an Apple TV app bug issue than Subler’s.
    I know that because I’m experiencing this too.

    Let’s just send feedback and report this bug to Apple.
    Including a manual way to add cover to a TV show group, not all the episodes (like Playlists) and show descriptions on the TV app.

    Currently, Apple TV’s Library, including metadata (not including changes the tracks, subtitles and others) will only update if you “Delete from Library” the content, and read it again.

    By the way, I wanna ask, how do you personally handle multiple Episode artworks from a TV Show group, but still showing it’s Season TV Artwork cover?

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