Failed to recognize E-AC3 + Atmos audio track.

Issue #615 resolved
Hongyu Shi created an issue

I recently downloaded some shows (in mkv container) with eac3+Atmos audio (768kbps, standard streaming format). Mediainfo can show track codec correctly, however, Subler failed to recognize it (only “E-AC3”), and the output file is broken (no sound in QuickTime/Apple TV). Any idea of how to fix this?

Comments (9)

  1. Hongyu Shi reporter

    VLC and mpv can play the output videos correctly, but QuickTime capability is broken (confirmed with different TV Shows from different sources).

  2. Hongyu Shi reporter

    New progress: Atmos works fine in 1.6.5 release or earlier, only 1.6.6 have this issue.

  3. Hongyu Shi reporter

    Additional info: broken files are always 7 bytes smaller than normal ones. Something’s missing.

  4. Damiano Galassi repo owner

    There were a lot of changes in the mkv demuxer In 1.6.6. I probably broken something. Can you share a sample of a non working eac3+Atmos mkv file?

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