Unable to set color space "BT.2100 PQ (9-16-9)".

Issue #616 resolved
Hongyu Shi created an issue

I remuxed some HDR10 videos from mkv, and set color space to "BT.2100 PQ (9-16-9)" (which indicates HDR capability). However, Subler set the color space to "BT.2020 PQ (9-1-9)" in the output file.

Although the resulting file plays correctly on my iPad Pro (supports HDR), it would be better if this can be fixed!

NOTEx1: I’ve encountered this bug years ago. It exists in all Subler versions I’ve ever tried.

NOTEx2: This bug only affects playback on macOS Mojave. I guess that later macOS versions does not rely on color space metadata (just guess, no proof).

NOTEx3: current workaround: re-encode the video track using Compressor (must set BT.2020 color space for the input file, default doesn’t work, since metadata is broken). *** This process usually takes days to complete.

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