When querying data with TheMovieDB for an episode in the non-latest season, the cast is wrong

Issue #618 new
probe_droid created an issue

In TheMovieDB, usually the cast of an episode consists of the (regular) cast of a season plus the guest stars (could be empty) on the queried episode. If there are newer seasons with a different cast, Subler returns the cast of the newest season and then the guest stars of the correct episode. From peeking in the source code, it looks like Subler does query the cast on the series level and TheMovieDB’s API then returns the cast of the latest season then. Subler should query the credits for the specific episode to get both the cast and the guest stars (and crew) in one call (see https://developers.themoviedb.org/3/tv-episodes/get-tv-episode-credits).

Steps to reproduce (example TV show is Chicago Med and source is TheMoveDB):

  1. Check regular cast of season 5: 8 people
  2. Check regular cast of season 6: 7 people
  3. Check guest cast on S05E07: 2 people
  4. Run query through Subler on S05E07: 9 but should be 10

Subler Version: 1.6.7

OS: macOS 10.15.7

Comments (2)

  1. dollartreemustachio

    I also see this issue occurring with my library of files. It’s rather annoying as I have to go in and manually remove the incorrect names.

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