[Feature Request] Queued metadata processing without conversion to MP4 or MKV

Issue #671 closed
Timothy J. "Tim" Trace created an issue

Apologies if this feature already exists – but would it be possible to add a switch to the queue that would allow metadata processing only, without conversion to MP4 or MKV?

Thank you for Subler! I’m amazed that it’s been developed by a single person. It seems very thorough, well thought out, and in my experience, it’s been free of surprises.

Comments (6)

  1. Timothy J. "Tim" Trace reporter

    Thanks for conversing!

    Coming from the Windows world, I’m looking for something which will do what MetaX does, but on macOS. It can rewrite metadata without further altering the container. I thought it would be cool if Subler could do that.

    … or perhaps I’m mistaken about what’s going on with MetaX behind the UI? I’m definitely less knowledgeable than any folks about AV containers and such.

    Thank you again.

  2. Damiano Galassi repo owner

    Subler already does that If your file is already a mp4. Set your queue output to “Same as source” and it will update the file in place if it can.

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