Latest version (1.7.3) is suddenly very slow at "downloading additional metadata"

Issue #689 resolved
Brian Tully created an issue

With previous releases, when I looked up a title and selected a result and clicked “Add”, Subler would show “downloading additional metadata” – perhaps to request and show cover thumbnail images? This process would take a few seconds at most.

However with the latest version (1.7.3) the “downloading additional metadata” seems to average over 30 seconds before a cover thumbnail image is shown, and the UI is unresponsive until the process completes.

Any idea why there is such a discrepancy in response times when downloading additional metadata with the latest version? It’s like 10x slower than the previous version. Are these external APIs now rate limiting whereas previously they weren’t?

Any help or insight would be greatly appreciated.

Subler 1.7.3

Mac OS X 10.14.6

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