[Bug] Unable to fetch metadata from Apple TV for some TV shows

Issue #699 new
Hongyu Shi created an issue

I tried to fetch metadata of [Obi-Wan Kenobi](https://tv.apple.com/us/show/obi-wan-kenobi/umc.cmc.51g7j105zle8xrq45i2tz4b6t), but I instead get metadata of Star Wars The Clone Wars.

I don’t know why this happens, but the search algorithm must have some logical flaw.

Maybe we can let the user verify the show name before continuing and fetch episode info?

(btw, the show I tried to search for is available on Apple TV. There must be a way to get its metadata.)

Comments (16)

  1. Robert Salter

    I am also unable to fetch metadata from Apple this also includes any artwork which I was able to do recently.

  2. Paulus Edwin Prasetya

    It does not mean for end-user… but for developer.
    FYI, the Apple-TV metadata API is un-documented and un-supported by Apple. Apple never mean it’s open to any app. So once Apple decide to stop a version of the api, then all App depends on it will be fail to work.

    At current condition, Subler is using version 2 UTS-API, while recent check, the TV.app already use the version 3.
    I believe Damiano is more have experience with the API than me, I was just help to give hint what is the base url

  3. Joe Evans

    Do we know if this issue will ever get sorted? Been holding out sorting some episodes, but if not will start using the TV data.


  4. Jackalworks

    I have started to try to implement the v3 API, here is a first commit. It finds the new shows, but I need to work on the seasons and episodes, and also on adding all metadata. I don’t have much time so if anyone wants to complete it it would be great.

  5. Former user Account Deleted

    @Are Digranes - thank you working on this. I wish I had the knowledge to make changes to the code.

  6. Former user Account Deleted

    Looks like it’s fetching all the shows and movies and artworks works as well. Metadata still seems off - I guess that’s what you meant when you say ‘for the most parts’. Thank you again for making progress!

  7. Jackalworks

    I uploaded a new version, if you have issues with metadata you could make a new issue on my bitbucket fork page. Especially if something is missing.

  8. Paulus Edwin Prasetya

    Nobody can be sure except people at Apple :D

    The v3 API URL was captured with MITM when search within the TV.app

  9. Jackalworks

    I have figured out most API calls on v3, and it does give you more or less the same metadata as before.

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