
Issue #706 resolved
notDavid created an issue

Hi there,

So I have a question i’m hoping you can help me with;

I’m looking for a way to mux .mkv files to .mp4 to make them compatible with Apple devices which i can run from the commandline, using the default settings as the Subler desktop app currently does (i’m using the latest version on my Macbook currently.)

Is this possible, does Subler have a commandline tool that can run on Mac / Linux?

If not, could you perhaps point me in the right direction to find a tool/possible solution? I’m hoping for a somewhat simple solution (not as advanced as ffmpeg.)

PS. Thank you for creating this great app…!

Comments (3)

  1. notDavid reporter

    Thank you for mentioning that, i didn’t know it existed !

    There doesn’t seem to be too much documentation on how to use it. And i can’t find a way to get it to output the same result as the Subler GUI app.

    I guess i’ll have to try to find another solution… :-)

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