I would like to add support for importing chapter titles (without touching the time-stamps)

Issue #74 resolved
Travis Cobbs created an issue

I am a software developer with Mac experience, and since I would like the ability to be able to import chapter titles while leaving the chapter time-stamps (discovered by Handbrake) alone, I would like to propose adding this feature myself. I have noticed that when I download chapter information from chaptersdb.org, the timestamps don't perfectly match the ones already put there by Handbrake. Furthermore, the Blu-ray timestamps often don't match the DVD ones, and vice versa. And often there is only one format available with good chapter titles.

Are you willing to accept outside changes? I don't really want to put in the effort if my changes don't have any chance of making it into the trunk. I'd then be either stuck with version 0.31, or I'd have to re-merge my local tree every time I want an updated version.

My thought would be to support the CSV format already supported by Handbrake, which looks like this:

1,Chapter 1 Title 2,Chapter 2 Title

This would only work on a file that already had chapter information.

You might ask why I don't just do this in Handbrake. The answer is two-fold. One, I have a bunch of files that have already been generated that have chapters but not titles for those chapters. Two, I need to run the file through Subler anyway in order to get the chapter images added.

Comments (6)

  1. Damiano Galassi repo owner

    I guess it's fine to fail fast if the csv format is not correct. I would avoid adding too many dependency on third-party code. But anyway, just make sure it works on 10.6, because the next Subler release will still support it.

  2. Travis Cobbs reporter

    OK, I made the changes and created pull requests for both MP42Foundation and Subler. Never having used bitbucket.org OR git before, I'm not sure if I did it right.

    As for the functionality, I implemented simple CSV parsing myself, and made it support simple non-quoted fields, plus quoted fields, using the field quote syntax produced by Excel. If it can't parse the CSV, it return nil, and the code that calls it then generates an NSError, which then gets shown to the user.

  3. Quick Quests

    Travis, it's awesome that you can do what you do. I'm a web designer / graphic designer and I have a lot of respect for your ability. You and Damiano amaze me. I would love to test this feature. I logged on to make a suggestion to have the ability to search for chapters or just for chapter names instead of the generated 1 2 3 etc.

    I also have another idea: When adding the tags from iTunes you get the iTunes item code which matches the additional content. It would be great to have a button to add bonus content. or just to add the movie trailer. Is something like that possible?

  4. Travis Cobbs reporter

    I need to stress that I had a personal desire for this specific feature that I added, and since Subler is an Open Source project, I was able to do so and have my changes accepted into the source tree. My changes were actually fairly simple and straightforward (just look how relatively small the diff is on my commit). I don't have any plans to submit further changes.

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