Import of MKV (AC3) and conversion to M4V (AC3+AAC) produces corrupted AAC

Issue #77 resolved
Viet Woojagig created an issue

I know this has been addressed a lot.

I tried everything the Internet has provided as information and any combination of versions of A52Codec.component and Perian and even without both. But the resulting AAC is always corrupted.

And I tried version of Subler starting from 0.18 to 0.31. Nothing really worked. The AC3 stream is ok, as it plays in AppleTV.

The attached file includes the first six seconds of the original MKV, created by the use of Avidemux. I hope this does not violate any copyright regulations.

My OS X: 10.10.3

Comments (8)

  1. Viet Woojagig reporter

    OK, strange. I tried the same file on another computer with the same version of OS X, Perian, A52Codec.component, Subler and the same settings in Perian and Audio-Midi Setup, and here it worked. I keep you informed if I know whats different.

  2. Viet Woojagig reporter

    I still don't get it.

    Two machines work, but the one not.

    From a previous remarks, I removed Perian and A52Codec.component from /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/ So everything should rely on the components, that are included in Subler.

    The Audio-MIDI settings are exactly as they are in the working machines.

    So any idea what I can change or remove? Is there a log-file that I can check?

  3. Viet Woojagig reporter

    Ok, another information: On the same machine, a new account does not have the described problems. So the problem is only linked with my account. I copied some preferences from the new account to the old one, but with no positive effect. Are there some files that I can delete in the preferences or anywhere else that could be there reason for the problem?

  4. Damiano Galassi repo owner

    Check in the Perian preferences if the ac3 decoder is set to multichannel output or not. It should be set to multichannel. And than remove perian because is broken :) I should update the bundled ac3 decoder to ignore parian's preferences.

  5. Viet Woojagig reporter

    It was already multichannel and i removed perian after that. But unfortunately it still does not work with the old account but it works with the new one. Are there any preferences that I need to delete?

  6. Viet Woojagig reporter

    Thanks, that was the solution. I did

    defaults delete com.cod3r.a52codec attemptPassthrough

    and now it works.

    Thanks again

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