Subler 0.31 is very crash prone

Issue #78 resolved
David Munch created an issue

I use Sublers OCR function to convert the subtitles from my ripped Blurays into SRT, and like it quite a bit. Unfortunately, Subler crashes more often than not.

My workflow: Open MKVs ripped through MakeMKV, select subtitles only, save as M4A files. Wait until file has been "converted"/saved, select and export subtitles as SRTs.

The more files I have that are converting, and the larger the files are, the more likely Subler is to crash. As a finger of rule, I never have more than 3 files simultaneously, as I am almost surely going to get a crash at a random point while converting the files. If the files are particularly long with loads of subtitles strings that needs converting, there's also a greatly enhanced chance of a crash. For instance, I ripped Saving Private Ryan, which is 150 minutes long, and I tried 4 times to convert it with 2 subtitles, and never succeeded. I then saved it twice, once with each subtitle, and successfully did it in one go.

11 crash logs attached. I can easily provide more. :)

Mid-2011 iMac, 8GB RAM, 3.4 Ghz i7, OSX10.10.3.

Comments (27)

  1. David Munch reporter

    I just did a stress test with your 0.32 build, and it appears to work fine now. Didn't get a single crash while saving 15 files at the same time, awesome work!

  2. David Munch reporter

    It appears I was a bit too quick. While it is definitely better than before, it still crashes. It may not even be related, but here is another crash log.Subler crash.txt

  3. Jan Ruber

    hi Damiano

    my version 0.31 was more stable than version 0.32 i send you the latest crash report. hope to hear from you! Jan

  4. Damiano Galassi repo owner

    You forgot the crash log. And please describe what where you doing when it crashed and if you can reproduce the issue.

  5. Jan Ruber

    Subler crashed after decoding. first i tried maybe too many files at the same time (no problem with 0.31). but also with a single file it crashes. the decodes files however are good ...

  6. Damiano Galassi repo owner

    Decoding what format? How many audio channels? Do you have some core audio components installed?

  7. Jan Ruber

    from mkv to m4v. i don’t know how many audio channels, i didn’t change the parameters, except for the 64 bits chunk offset. i already removed Perian (that caused the problems with version 0.31 with me …

  8. Damiano Galassi repo owner

    Yes but it's not too useful, there is probably a memory corruption somewhere and I can find it only by reproducing the issue.

  9. David Munch reporter

    I've used the second test build you posted in this thread 4 days ago, and haven't had a single crash after converting subtitles from 15 Blu-Ray derived MKVs, so for me it has been quite successful.

  10. Damiano Galassi repo owner

    Can you describe what where you doing exactly? The crash log have some references to the open/save panel.

  11. David Munch reporter

    I open an MKV from MakeMKV, select subtitles only, and then save the file. Crashes always occur during these file saves, at random points. As the MKV are usually from 90+ minutes movies, and I have Handbrake running in the mean time, saves usually take quite some time. I have had a single crash upon choose save location and pressing "Save", which may be what you refer to by the open/save panel?

    I'll try the build you just posted and report back.

  12. David Munch reporter

    Several Blurays later, and even a stress test with Titanic on Bluray (10 subtitles 3:15 hours long, at the same time), and not a single crash. I think you got all the bugs this time! :) This was done with the 2015-09-13 build posted above and public updates that has been released, up to 1.0.3 as of this post.

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