Subler for Music + Other Feedback

Issue #85 closed
Former user created an issue

It would be great if Subler would have better support for more than just movie and tv shows, like music. Subler already supports music metadata edits as in manually adding annotations and writing the values but it could be easier.

Options like iTunes Music Store search, multiple file support in one Subler window (currently if you drag multiple ACC files into Subler, it creates multiple windows for each file), more music related annotations (BPM, etc), would make Subler have better support for music and defiantly would make it easier.

So my new plan for media to digital (If you agree to my feedback) is: -Bluray to Handbrake to Subler to iTunes -CD's to iTunes (import) to Subler to iTunes

and my one currently is: -Bluray to Handbrake to Subler to iTunes -CD's to iTunes (import) to Flash Drive to Windows Computer to MP3Tag (Windows only app) to Flash Drive to Mac

In other feedback, I would wish there was an "Enable" and "Disable" button in the Advanced section of Preferences. Where when its "Disabled" the contents of the the Advanced section wouldn't be shown and if "Enabled" they would. This is because when I was new to Subler, these setting always confused me because I just wanted to use Subler for metadata, and with options like "Down Mix", it sounded like it edited the file, and not just the metadata, so I left Subler, but now am back with this feedback.

Question 1: Does Subler edit the file with the options checkable in the Advanced section in Preferences?

Question 2: Why when after I save a MP4 video file in Subler, and reopen it in Subler there is a second "Video Track" at the very end, with a format of Photo-JPEG?

Comments (1)

  1. Damiano Galassi repo owner
    1. No.
    2. Because you have enabled the option to create the chapters preview track.

    BPM (Tempo) is already supported. macOS 10.12 will give Subler tabs.

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