Dual Alignment for SRT format?

Issue #93 closed
Mari Marasu created an issue

Hey, I was just wondering if Quicktime supports two different alignments of text that occur at the same time?

I'm looking to have one line of text appear that the top of the screen, and one appear at the bottom of the screen simultaneously:

0 00:00:01,000 --> 0:00:10,000 X1:0 影分身の術 Kage Bunshin no Jutsu

1 00:00:01,000 --> 0:00:10,000 Shadow Clone Technique

I had hoped that by not including a position indicator on the bottom line, it would align it to the bottom by default. It did not work. I then tried including a !!! indicator to potentially force its position, which also didn't work.

I also tried to offset the bottom line by a small amount of time, hoping that the lack of alignment indicator would force it to default to the bottom when its time came. It remained at the top until the initial top aligned text disappeared, and THEN fell to the bottom.

It seems that as long as there is an X1:0 indicator on screen, all text will follow that alignment.

Do you know of any way to have dual alignments simultaneously? (that is also supported by Quicktime/ iTunes / iOS)

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