
Ian Geiser How To Configure Cloud9 for ownCloud Development

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Revised by Ian Geiser 774f5ee

#How To Configure Cloud9 for ownCloud Development

  • Create a "Custom" project on

  • In the custom workspace add the php dependencies:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install php5-sqlite php5-curl phpunit
  • The php installs will cause apache to restart so they need to be stopped again.
sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 stop
sudo /etc/init.d/php5-fpm stop
  • Add custom settings for owncloud in the /etc/php/
cat < EOF | sudo tee /etc/php5/cli/conf.d/99-ocs.ini
default_charset = UTF-8
output_buffering = off
sudo pip3 install ocdev
  • Setup the ocdev environment in the home directory not ~/workspace
cd $HOME
ocdev setup core
mkdir -p core/data
  • Start your awesome application
cd $HOME
ocdev startapp MyApp
  • Move the app template into your workspace so it is the only thing that is managed by your c9 project.
mv myapp/* ~/workspace
mv myapp/.* ~/workspace
rmdir MyApp
  • Then link the application into the right place in the ownCloud apps directory
ln -s $HOME/workspace $HOME/core/apps/MyApp
  • Setup the runner for live previews using the "Run -> Run With -> Shell Command" and set command to: php -S $IP:$PORT -t $HOME/core

  • Now you are ready to get some code done!


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