Integrate Genesys and EASY-SMTA

Issue #31 wontfix
Edwin Rojas created an issue

To consider Integrate Genesys and EASY-SMTA to allow users create SMTA based in the list of accessions selected in Genesys.

Is possyble using the Web API called "System Integration of Easy-SMTA". Main software developer of EASY-SMTA:

Many thanks, Edwin

Comments (4)

  1. Matija Obreza

    I am not convinced that Genesys is the right place to generate entries in Easy-SMTA. These must be handled in the software that is used to track requests for germplasm.

  2. Matija Obreza

    Generating SMTA is responsibility of the genebank. Genesys only allows for initiating requests for material.

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