The filter 'Crop name' is not working properly

Issue #41 resolved
Edwin Rojas created an issue

The filter 'Crop name' is not working properly. For example not show the accession CIP 400095 (sweetpotato) More than 8 thousands accs of sweetpotato published to GENESYS.,%22crops%22:%5B%22sweetpotato%22%5D%7D

Comments (8)

  1. Matija Obreza

    List of accepted taxa for Sweet potato in Genesys includes taxa where genus=Ipomoea and species=batatas. Details here:

    Your accessions have species="sp. XXXX" and therefore do not fall under any Genesys defined crops.

    Remove prefix "sp. " from species field.

  2. Edwin Rojas reporter

    When filter "Holding Institute = PER001" and "Crop name = sweetpotato" Genesys show 13 accessions and When filter "Holding Institute = PER001" and "Genus = Ipomoea" Genesys show 8428 accessions. Why the difference?

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