Double amount of money on new game start

Issue #1 resolved
Gennady Trafimenkov repo owner created an issue

When starting new game the amount of money is doubled. 90k for the easy mode, 80k for the medium.

Version: v0.12.31

Comments (5)

  1. Gennady Trafimenkov reporter
    • changed status to open

    Managed to repeat it.

    It is quite tricky actually: - start the vanilla game and crash it somehow (or kill the process) - Data/temp directory will contain temporary files, there is finances.dat among them - start stracciatella, load an old game or start a new one - money balance will be increased for the amount from the vanilla game which was crashed before

    That's because Data/temp/finances.dat was accidently read instead of ~/.ja2/tmp/temp/finances.dat

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