warning: iteration 2 invokes undefined behavior [-Waggressive-loop-optimizations]

Issue #151 new
Alex created an issue

I'm getting the following warning when compiling:

===> CXX Build/Tactical/LOS.cc
Build/Tactical/LOS.cc: In function ‘MoveBullet(BULLET*)’:
Build/Tactical/LOS.cc:3856:70: warning: iteration 2 invokes undefined behavior [-Waggressive-loop-optimizations]
      if ( gubWorldMovementCosts[ iAdjGridNo ][ sDesiredLevel ][ bDir ] < TRAVELCOST_BLOCKED)
Build/Tactical/LOS.cc:3852:5: note: containing loop
     for( bDir = 0; bDir < NUM_WORLD_DIRECTIONS; bDir++)

From the declaration of gubWorldMovementCosts (Build/TileEngine/WorldDef.h:225) and the values assigned to the index variables I think line 3856 should be

      if ( gubWorldMovementCosts[ iAdjGridNo ][ bDir ][ sDesiredLevel ] < TRAVELCOST_BLOCKED)

I have not checked what implications the change has on the code semantics.

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