JA2 Stracciatella on Mod DB

Issue #155 new
JAsmine-ja2 NA created an issue

I have created a page on Mod DB for JA2 Stracciatella to promote the project and attract some more people to it.


Comments? Ideas?

Comments (6)

  1. Gennady Trafimenkov repo owner

    Thank you Jasmine. That should help some people find out about JA2 Stracciatella.

    This is intresting:

    The name of this project is an allusion to calling an un-modded version of a game "vanilla" version.

    That may be true. I have no idea why the project is called Stracciatella. I wanted to ask Tron (creator of the project) about it, but wasn't able to contact him.

  2. Misanthopos

    Maybe I can lighten this up: Stracciatella is an ice cream flavor: Vanilla with chocolate chips. Its a game of words or an analogy if you want it. Tron took the "vanilla" (unmodified, original code) and modified it - the bugs removed are the chocolate chips.

  3. JAsmine-ja2 NA reporter

    Is this speculative or are you in some way associated with Tron? Just being curious.

  4. Jaka Kranjc

    btw, both websites are accessible via the wayback machine.

    Q: ja2-stracciatella? Wtf is the meaning of this?

    A: Well - we are porting vanilla-sources of Jagged Alliance 2. For now we don't plan to alter the game in itself except fixing obvious bugs while porting. So it is still some sort of vanilla-looking - with having some bugs fixed as pieces of chocolate

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