Dissonance with externalized data

Issue #105 resolved
JAsmine-ja2 NA created an issue

The externalized (= editable) data is a really great feature. However, I wonder which source (version of JA2) the data is from?

The crowbar in vanilla JA2 can not be repaired. At least, this is true for all versions that I can playtest right now (English Gold 1.10 & 1.12, German 1.02 & 1.05).

In Stracciatella v0.12.244-experimental however, the crowbar can be repaired (by default).

Why is that?

Comments (2)

  1. Gennady Trafimenkov repo owner

    That was my mistake. Fixed this and other errors in 66a1b78, but not released yet.

    The data comes from the source codes. Build/Tactical/Weapons.cc Build/Tactical/Items.cc

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