Remove Byte Order Mark from source files

Issue #141 resolved
drm00 created an issue

Compilation on OpenBSD fails due to byte order marks.

This is most likely UTF8-related, but are these identifiers needed? I patch them out locally now, but if they are not needed, i would like to see them removed.

See Pull Request #10.

Thanks for your awesome work!

Comments (10)

  1. Gennady Trafimenkov repo owner

    Thank you for discovering this issue.

    Unfortunately, if we remove BOM, then builds with Visual Studio on Windows will not work correctly.

    I looked further into the issue and discovered that OpenBSD uses a quite old version of GCC compiler (4.2) which can't read files with BOM correctly ( This was fixed in newer versions of GCC.

    I guess the right course of action in this situation is to use newer version of GCC for compiling this game. On OpenBSD 5.5 this should work:

      # pkg_add sdl-1.2.15p6
      # pkg_add gmake
      # pkg_add gcc-4.6.4p7
      # pkg_add g++-4.6.4p4
      $ gmake CC=egcc CXX=eg++

    Let me know if it works for you.

  2. drm00 reporter

    Hi Gennady,

    thanks for your reply. Compiling works on OpenBSD, and i could play the game. I want to make an official port to make this game available as a package, and will try to sort these issues out.

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