Inaccessible area in tactical view (SAME PROBLEM AS ISSUE #125)

Issue #171 new
JAsmine-ja2 NA created an issue

This bug has a very negative impact on gameplay. To understand it, look at the pictures. The first one is from vanilla JA2 Gold: SCREEN2.jpg

And here the same situation (same map file) in JA2 Stracciatella SCREEN1.jpg

As you can see, there is way more area visible in the south of the map. On both screenshots, I scrolled down south as much as possible.

And now comes the bad thing about this: the "new" area in the Stracciatella map is inaccessible for the player. But enemies can (and will) end up there if invading the map from south.

If an enemy ends up in this area, he is stuck and invisible (SCREEN062 and SCREEN063) and cannot be hurt without cheat codes.

Apart from the problem with the enemies, most maps are not designed to be looked at in this area and as a result, they look a bit weird (roads ending before map border etc.)

This happens on ALL maps. (SAME PROBLEM AS ISSUE #125)

Comments (7)

  1. Alexis Dubourg

    It seems to me that the tile rows that are accessible in vanilla JA2 Gold are still accessible in JA2 Stratacciella, which is just showing some extra inaccessible tile rows at the bottom of the tactical map by allowing the player to scroll a little bit further down. And that the merc on the 2nd screenshot is on the very same tile as the cursor on the 1st screenshot, on what would appear to be the last accessible row on the map in both cases. Am I wrong? -- Alex

  2. JAsmine-ja2 NA reporter

    You are perfectly right, Alex. The difference between vanilla and Stracciatella is, that Stracciatella shows more (extra) tiles. This is NOT a big deal.

    The problem is, that enemies can (and will) end up in the inaccessible area if invading the map from south.

    If an enemy ends up in this area, he is stuck and invisible (SCREEN062 and SCREEN063) and cannot be hurt without cheat codes.

    Apart from the problem with the enemies, most maps are not designed to be looked at in this area and as a result, they look a bit weird (roads ending before map border etc.)

    This happens on ALL maps."

  3. Jaka Kranjc

    Stumbled upon this while searching existing reports. Turns out you already reported this at Issue #125, so this one should be renamed to something like "JA2S shows more tiles than the original" or just marked as a duplicate.

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