No-escape part of D3

Issue #182 new
Agatae Tsag created an issue

There's a part of D3 that is possible to enter, but impossible to leave. Once a merc gets there, they are trapped for good unless they escape via strategic view. If there's a fight, it may be a deadlock with player unable to leave and unable to find opponents. I attached a save that shows it. Ira is trapped and can't escape. Johny can join her, which shows accessibility of the place.

TODO: Select files button doesn't work on my system, will figure out how to use it later

Comments (6)

  1. Agatae Tsag reporter

    No, bitbucket has a bug, attaching stuff doesn't work with my firefox. And Midori crashes on the login page. I got lost in the support pages, got redirected to Atlassian login and my bitbucket account didn't work. Overall, my experience with bitbucket sucks.

    In a couple of days I should have access to another computer and I intend to try to attach the save there.

  2. JAsmine-ja2 NA

    I loaded your savegame. It looks like this:


    I cannot reproduce the mentioned behavior in thus situation... Ira is not trapped.

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