Think about implementing the launcher

Issue #19 new
Gennady Trafimenkov repo owner created an issue

Which is a GUI program that will allow the user to select necessary settings easily, without using command line or shell scripts, and start the game. It can also do some basic validation, for example check that the game resources are really present.

See Drawing Board, Launcher

Comments (1)

  1. JAsmine-ja2 NA

    Having a program with a GUI as launcher would be a very, very good thing to have. Imo, this should be a high priority goal.

    Further thoughts on it:

    • maybe add possibility to enter custom resolution

    • "original game location" could be called "Location of Jagged Alliance 2" or "Original Jagged Alliance 2 folder"... something with "Jagged Alliance 2" in it to make it more clear

    • maybe add compatibility options for ja2.exe like "run as admin" or "win xp compatibility mode"

    • maybe add an additional button "run map editor" instead of the check box? would probably look better

    • maybe add the possibility to select components for the modpack, like you've described in the wiki ("It will look like this: user downloads the package, set checkboxes on what he wants to play (for example, he wants to play WildFire 2 maps + NightOps weapon + drop all weapon patch) and just play it. [...]")

    • maybe the launcher can show the version nr. of JA2 Stracciatella? The launcher could also show it's own version nr.

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