Team JA2 Stracciatella

Issue #207 resolved
JAsmine-ja2 NA created an issue

Let's get together in a mail chat and see what will happen :)

ja2stracciatella at gmail dot com

This is supposed to be some kind of basis so that we can discuss the status/future of this project.

Comments (14)

  1. Jaka Kranjc

    I've messaged gennady through bitbucket. I'm reachable through jaka+bitbucket at .

    I think we have to do at least these things:

    • count ourselves
    • see who's up to what
    • see who's up for what
    • create the bitbucket team / give access
    • (harder) decide how much chocolate we want and how
    • report to BP
  2. JAsmine-ja2 NA reporter

    I've massaged gennady through bitbucket before. Last time he was here seems to be about two months ago. Since he mentioned to me that he thinks about abandoning the project, I guess that he might have done so... He was working on this solo for quite some time with ~zero help or feedback.

    Your list of things to do is a very good start. I think, the mail-chat (ja2stracciatella at gmail dot com) would be a good way to count ourselves.

  3. Jaka Kranjc

    Well we do have his email, so that's not a problem. What I'd like to avoid is the need to create another fork, since then bug information is lost (or numbering broken) and a bunch of stuff would have to be manually copied over. Plus the obvious inconvenience of a new address, remote.

  4. Jaka Kranjc

    Ehhh, silly bitbucket — it appears a fork will be unavoidable. :( I made a test repo and team and it turns out you can only create new repos for the team or import old ones (but not just changing ownership). HMPF

  5. Jaka Kranjc

    Heh, with that, it does gain an upper edge. I'm all for github, though I'd also like to hear from more people.

  6. JAsmine-ja2 NA reporter

    I think anything that will push allow development of this project to continue is a good thing. So, I approve moving to Github.

  7. Gennady Trafimenkov repo owner

    Hello, guys!

    I am glad to see you all.

    It is probably a good idea to create a team on BitBucket or GitHub to continue development and support of the project.

    Unfortunately I don't have any more time to spend on this project. So, I can't be the maintainer of the project (administer push access, merge pull requests, test and release new versions).

    How about this plan:

    • you organize a team on GitHub or BitBucket and continue further development
    • I will make a notice on this repo that all the development have moved to new repo and make a link to it
    • I will help with the development in the new repo if I have more time in the future

    What do you think?

  8. Stefan Lau

    +1 on that.

    I created a team on github and invited @gennady. If you send me your github usernames I can add you all as well, then we can continue from there and setup the development process.

  9. Jaka Kranjc

    Cool, thanks for chiming in! My gh username is lynxlynxlynx.

    Once we have a repo set up, I'll write the usual tips for git remote changing (no need to redownload).

    edit: it's as simple as running

    git remote set-url origin
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