menu bug when ending a game

Issue #72 new
Former user created an issue

When you end a current game and go back to the main menu, this is what it looks like: ending a game, going back to main menu

the "old game" is still visible around the main menu. I guess, that most graphics (especially backgrounds) have to be provided to the game in stretched resolutions, as the game won't stretch the graphics itself???

I'm still playing v0.12.189 on english ja2 gold with ja2-ENGLISH-1024x768.bat

btw, sorry for spamming al these issues as a random anonymous nobody. Maybe I should register before posting more issues?!

Comments (1)

  1. JAsmine-ja2 NA

    More details on how to reproduce this issue:

    • start a new game or load a game
    • enter a sector's tactical view
    • enter the opions menu (directly, not from strategic view)
    • quit the current game

    • this does not work with standard resolution (640x480)
    • this issue is still 100% reproducable in v0.12.258-win
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