Graphical glitch when placing mercs before battle

Issue #77 resolved
JAsmine-ja2 NA created an issue

When placing your mercs before a battle there are some black boxes in the lower left corner of the screen. example

I've attached a savegame where I can reproduce this bug every time. Just order squad 1 to move one secotr to the north. An enemy patrol will appear and you can enter the battle. Then, when placing your mercs, you can see the glitch.

I'm still running v0.12.189, this time however, I've set the resolution to 800x600.

Comments (2)

  1. JAsmine-ja2 NA reporter

    I've gathered more information on this: 1) I could reproduce this issue on different maps (800x600) 2) I could not reproduce this issue in standard resolution (640x480) or higher resolution (1024y768)

    Furtermore, I've encountered another glitch when placing mercs: new glitch

    Bits of the map are visible outside of the frame. Observe the northern and the eastern border. This seems to happens in all resolution >640x480.

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