Energy cost(?) when picking locks

Issue #81 new
JAsmine-ja2 NA created an issue

This is an old vanilla bug that is still present: every time a merc tries to pick a lock, he gains 2 points of energy. Maybe it's a typo and was supposed to cost 2 points of energy instead?

Comments (2)

  1. JAsmine-ja2 NA reporter

    It seems like it isn't a Bug!? Buggler from Bear's Pit Forum points out:


    #define BP_PER_AP_AIMING        5       // breath cost while aiming
    #define BP_RELOAD_GUN           20      // loading new clip/magazine
    #define BP_THROW_ITEM           50      // throw grenades, fire-bombs, etc.
    #define BP_START_FIRST_AID      0       // get the stuff out of medic kit
    #define BP_PER_HP_FIRST_AID     -25     // gain breath for each point healed
    #define BP_STOP_FIRST_AID       0       // put everything away again
    #define BP_GET_HIT              200     // struck by bullet, knife, explosion
    #define BP_GET_WOUNDED          50      // per pt of GUNFIRE/EXPLOSION impact
    #define BP_FALL_DOWN            250     // falling down (explosion, exhaustion)
    #define BP_GET_UP               50      // getting up again
    #define BP_ROLL_OVER            20      // flipping from back to stomach
    #define BP_OPEN_DOOR            30      // whether successful, or not (locked)
    #define BP_PICKLOCK             -250    // gain breath, not very tiring...
    #define BP_EXAMINE_DOOR         -250        // gain breath, not very tiring...
    #define BP_BOOT_DOOR                200         // BP to boot door
    #define BP_USE_CROWBAR                  350       // BP to crowbar door
    #define BP_UNLOCK_DOOR            50            // BP to unlock door
    #define BP_EXPLODE_DOOR                 -250        // BP to set explode charge on door
    #define BP_UNTRAP_DOOR                  150         // BP to untrap
    #define BP_LOCK_DOOR                        50          // BP to untrap
    #define BP_USEWIRECUTTERS               200         // BP to use wirecutters
    #define BP_PULL_TRIGGER         0       // for operating panic triggers
    #define BP_FORCE_LID_OPEN       50      // per point of strength required
    #define BP_SEARCH_CONTAINER       0     // get some breath back (was -50)
    #define BP_OPEN_SAFE            -50
    #define BP_READ_NOTE            -250    // reading a note's contents in inv.
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