Hotkey requests

Issue #82 open
JAsmine-ja2 NA created an issue

(I have edited an existing issue to make things more clear...)

I really miss a hotkey for climbing/jumping. There was none in vanilla JA2. In v1.13, the [j] key is used for it. The annoying thing is, that I usually have the "team view" in tactical view. But in order to jump, I need to change to "inventory view" and press the ladder icon. Tedious.

If you consider adding this hotkey, I would highly recommend you to also add it to the help screen. 1.13 is full of poorly documented (or undocumented) features...

Comments (12)

  1. JAsmine-ja2 NA reporter

    Another hotkey which is present in v1.13, but not in Vanilla JA2, which i'm really missing is one which replaces sunglasses with nv-goggles and vice versa. Clicking through all of your squad (possibly even more than 1 squad) is really tediuous.

    So, the list for hotkey-requests so far:

    • jumping/climbing (mabye [j]?)

    • replacing nv-goggles with sunglasses and vice versa for the whole suqad (maybe [n] or [shift]+[n] or [strg]+[n]?)

  2. Gennady Trafimenkov repo owner

    Climbing up/down hotkey has been implemented in 85b9a4e in the development branch, but not released yet.

    The hotkey is disabled by default. It is also not mentioned in the in-game help.

  3. JAsmine-ja2 NA reporter

    Thank you for this one!

    I guess you want to keep the hotkey disabled by default and not mentioned by in-game help because you want to keep the game in a "clean" state, right?

  4. Gennady Trafimenkov repo owner

    Yes, I think it should be clean JA2 by default.

    Changing the in-game help is also a bit tricky because the text is stored inside the game resources, not the source codes.

  5. Gennady Trafimenkov repo owner

    Two hotkeys have been added: Shift-n to put night head gear for the current squad Ctrl-n to put the day head gear for the current squad

    The hotkeys are disabled by default.

    Released in v0.12.258

  6. JAsmine-ja2 NA reporter
    • changed status to open

    Another hotkey I would like to request would be one, that selects all mercs at once in the current sector in tactical view in realtime mode. This hotkey would be very useful to make all your mercs move to a certain location e.g. after the battle when you want to loot the place.

    Actually, I was quite sure such a hotkey already existed in vanilla, but maybe, that is just because I've been playing too much v1.13.

    Anyway, in v1.13, the "* + ~" key (on my german keyboard at least) is used for this hotkey.

  7. Gennady Trafimenkov repo owner

    = key selects all mercs in the sector. It is vanilla hotkey and it works in Stracciatella too (at least on my russian keyboard).

  8. loser

    How about adding some hotkeys that reduce tedious micromanagement? Ctrl-Shift-R to reload all weapons and Ctrl-Shift-F/Ctrl-Shift-U to remove all attachments/magazines from all items on the ground in the current sector.

  9. Kokkolar

    Is it possible to add "delete item" hotkey for sector inventory? For example: you drag item from the sector and hold it on your cursor then press button and that item automaticaly moves to trash

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