Failed to identify identical 150 bp read

Issue #33 resolved
Former user created an issue


I'm having trouble KMA v1.3.14 on a simple test set. I am building an index as follows:

kma index -i ref.fna -o db

And then mapping reads with:

kma -i reads.fna -o kma_results -t_db db

The reads.fna file contains two 150 bp read that are both 100% identical to a region in the single reference sequence in ref.fna. However, KMA returns no mapping results. I have attached the test files. Any reason why KMA might fail to report a mapping? Some sort of complexity filtering?

Thanks, Donovan

Comments (2)

  1. ptlcc

    Hi Donovan

    There were an error for databases with only one sequence, it has been fixed from v1.3.14a.

    You should add the option “-ID 0.0“ for this test, as the reads covers < 1% of the reference.


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