input/sampleX.fq.gz benchmark data file :: please provide

Issue #4 resolved
Eric Deveaud created an issue

Hello after having installed kma on our cluster I wanted to run some functional tests.

after reading the benchMarkCMDs.txt I ran the first command with success but I wasn’t abble to locate the input/sampleX.fq.gz file

can you provide it or let me know where it can be grabbed.



Comments (3)

  1. ptlcc

    If you were able to run the cmd:

    chop_DB -i ResFinder.fasta -o output/

    Then there should be some test files in the directory “output/“

    A test cmd could be:

    kma -i output/chopDB1.fastq.gz -o output/chopDB1 -t_db ResFinder -and -1t1

    Given that you were able to run:

    kma_index -i ResFinder.fasta -o ResFinder

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