kma ended abruptly saying killed: 9.

Issue #45 resolved
Former user created an issue

I am trying to run thw following command:

kma -ipe R1.fastq.gz R2.fastq.gz -t_db /ncbi_nt -o out_kma/

But it ended abruptly with the following error:

Reading inputfile: R1.fastq.gz R2.fastq.gz

Phred scale: 33

Running KMA.

Killed: 9

Comments (10)

  1. ptlcc

    It is the system that kills the process, probably because it uses too much memory.

    Adding the “-mem_mode“ option will decrease the memory consumption significantly.


  2. ptlcc

    That depends on how the database was indexed. It seems like it does not get to load the database, the *.comp.b file will be loaded into memory at startup.


  3. vasudha jain

    is there any --verbose option to check if this step is happening?

    or are the details given in log file? if yes, how can I mention the path to save the log file at a particular directory?

  4. ptlcc

    It will report it to stderr with something like:

    # Total time used for DB loading: 0.01 s.


  5. vasudha jain

    there’s no log file being generated.

    only four files are formed: out.aln, out.frag.gz, ouot.fsa, out.res.

    and all of them are empty.

    giving the erroe: killed 9

  6. vasudha jain

    I made a few changes to my command:

    kma -t 8 -ipe Sample_R1.fastq.gz Sample_R2.fastq.gz -o path/to/output -t_db /ncbi_nt/ncbi_nt -verbose -mem_mode -and -apm f 
  7. ptlcc

    It is reported to stderr, i.e. the screen unless redirected.
    How big is the database files, and how much memory do you have available.


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