Segmentation fault

Issue #49 resolved
Jakob Nissen created an issue

During my most recent run:

/bin/bash: line 1: 31787 Segmentation fault: 11  kma -ipe tmp/trim/XXXXXX/fw.fq tmp/trim/XXXXX/rv.fq -o tmp/aln/XXXXX/initial -t_db /Users/jakobnissen/code/SSIRegistry/refdir/refout/refs -t 2 -mrs 0.3 -ConClave 2 -nc -nf 2> tmp/log/aln/XXXX.initial.log

I’m not entirely sure how to track this down. If it helps, the log file is:

# Running KMA.
# Reading inputfile:    tmp/trim/XXXXXX/fw.fq tmp/trim/XXXX/rv.fq
# Phred scale:  33
# Total time used for DB loading: 0.01 s.
# Finding k-mer ankers
# Query converted
# Query ankered
# KMA mapping done
# Sort, output and select KMA alignments.
# Total time for sorting and outputting KMA alignment   1.76 s.
# Doing local assemblies of found templates, and output results

Can you use that report for anything? If not, how can I figure out what causes the segfault?

Comments (4)

  1. ptlcc

    Hi Jakob

    I think I know what it is. Can you try to use the version on the “nano” branch, and see if that makes the same error.


  2. Jakob Nissen reporter

    It works on commit f33577d on the nano branch! Great! Leaving this issue open until the fix is in a release, but from my point of view, the problem is gone. Thanks again!

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